Welcome Home

Welcome to our Church. You will find a warm, caring community of people from all walks of life. Any one of our ushers, our pastor, or any member of our Church will be glad to answer questions or to assist you. If you want the Church of Jesus Christ and His Apostles, you’ve found a home. 

About Us

We are individually, and as a Church community, on a walk toward a closer relationship with Christ.


We Worship and Praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost, we minister to the sick, we help the poor, we take care of children and the elderly, we spread the Gospel.


In short, we serve people


We believe in:

  • The Authority of Scripture - Our knowledge of God and God's purpose for humanity comes from the Bible, particularly what is revealed in the New Testament through the life of Jesus Christ.

  • Justification by Grace through Faith - Our salvation (justification) through Jesus Christ is God's generous gift to us and not the result of our own accomplishments.

  • The priesthood of All Believers - It is everyone's job—Pastors and lay people alike—to share this Good News with the whole world. The Presbyterian Church is governed at all levels by a combination of clergy and laity.

  • The Sovereignty of God - God is the supreme authority throughout the universe.


Our statement of faith can be found in the Apostles’ Creed, the origins of which date back to the early second century A.D.


The First Presbyterian Church of Lynn Haven was founded on January 19, 1913. The first meetings were held in various buildings in Lynn Haven until a church could be built. The first religious service in the new church was held on January 7, 1917. Although there have been additions and renovations over the years, our Church still meets today in the original church building.  


Each Presbyterian Church has a representative form of Church government. Elected lay leaders are given authority to run the affairs of the Church. These elected lay leaders are called “the Session.” The Session works with the Church’s ordained Pastor to govern the Church.


The Worldwide membership of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) is about 2.3 million members.

Our Church Leadership

Dan Mitchell

Pastor & Moderator

Kathy Welsh

Member of the Session

Mitch Hood

Member of the Session

Sally Whitley

Member of the Session

Charles Willis

Member of the Session

Deedee Broadhead

Member of the Session

Nancy Brzozowski

Member of the Session

David Cooley

Member of the Session

Lloyd Stanley

Member of the Session

Robin Calhoun

Member of the Session

Where Did We Come From?

In the middle and later 1500’s, a movement for reform began as a protest against the corrupt practices of the Catholic Church, “THE CHURCH” at that time. Some Catholic priests were instrumental in demanding reforms and were excommunicated as a result of their efforts. This reform movement is the origin of the Protestant Churches of today.


In those days, if you wanted your sins forgiven, you could do so only by going to a priest and paying an “indulgence” (money). The only way to ask for forgiveness of your sin(s) was through a priest.


Also, if you wanted to become a priest or a nun, you, or your family, had to pay the bishop.


Finally, the corrupting and corrosive effects of politics had entered the Catholic Church. The State (Country) had a say in the affairs of the Catholic Church and the higher positions in the Catholic Church were based on politics, not merit. As you might imagine, during that time, there was less and less room for God and more and more room for corruption and politics.


The Presbyterian Church has its beginnings as the reformed Church in the British Isles. It began, in secret, about 1560. The first Presbyterian Church, in the United States (the Colonies), was established in Philadelphia in 1706. 

Some Famous Presbyterians

(You’re in Good Company)



David Letterman, Richard Burton, Jimmy Stewart, John Wayne, Dick Van Dyke, Rev. Fred Rogers “Mr. Rogers' Neighbrhood,” Cheryl Crowe, Greer Garson, Carol Lawrence, Shirley Temple, Bob Hope, Roy Rogers and Dale Evans.



Mark Twain, William Faulkner, Sherwood Anderson, Lucy Maud Montgomery, Margaret Wise Brown, Beverly Cleary



Robin Roberts, David Brinkley



Joseph Priestley, Arthur Compton, Neal Armstrong, Sally Ride, John Glenn


Presidents of the United States

Abraham Lincoln, Andrew Jackson, James Polk, James Buchanan, Rutherford B. Hayes, Grover Cleveland, Benjamin Harrison, Woodrow Wilson, Dwight Eisenhower, Ronald Reagan



Jomo Kenyatta (President of Kenya), Condoleezza Rice, Bob and Elizabeth Dole, John Foster Dulles



Warren Burger, William O. Douglas, William Jennings Bryan



Sam and Helen Walton (Wal-Mart), Andrew Carnegie, Ross Perot